Signs are very important for communicating information, but they’re largely unappreciated. If they’re doing their job correctly—by which I mean they’re quietly communicating useful information—you don’t really think about them; you process the information on them and move on. What this means is that you only really think about signs when they make you scratch your head. If you [...]
42 Types of Retro Technology We Miss From the 90s
Ah, the 90s and early 2000s. It was an era of technology that made today’s sleek and shiny gadgets seem like something out of a sci-fi movie. It’s hard to fathom, but the clunky gadgets, dial-up internet, and bulky computers were considered cutting-edge at the time. Oh, how things have changed. We’ve pulled together some nostalgic photos that will immediately [...]
50 Unique McDonald’s Items From Around the World That We Want to Try
As you probably know, McDonald's is one of the most popular fast-food chains in the U.S., but it's also one of the most popular in the world. With locations in over 100 countries, the McDonald's World Tour will not end soon. They have certainly upped their game since the first McDonald's opened in San Bernardino, California, and the menu looks quite different. Depending on [...]
58 Unique And Curious Things People Have Collected Over Time
Did you ever collect something when you were younger? Kids love to collect rocks, marbles, or trading cards. However, just because you grow up doesn’t mean you need to give up your collecting hobby! It may remain the same collection throughout your life, or you may mature into a different, more adult collection of items. People have all sorts of interests, which can be [...]
36 Little-Known Origin Stories of Different Everyday Items
Have you ever wondered who was the first person to think of using a fork rather than eating with our hands? Or why do we put candles on birthday cakes? If you have, or even if you never did, now's the time to start wondering because we have the answers. The world existed long before some of the things we think are normal were around, and the first time they debuted was often in [...]
40 Funny Photos That Show Us What Happens When Things Are Taken Too Literally
It’s a good thing that we’re humans and not robots. We can see things and interpret them as they were intended to be, and not too literally. Most of the time, words, phrases, and even gestures don’t mean what they mean literally, and we know how to read between the lines. How would things look if we took all those words at face value? Forget about being figurative; what if we [...]
50 Wildly Unhelpful Pieces of Advice People Hear All the Time
Have you ever gotten advice from someone and thought, "Well, that is absolute nonsense?" More often than not, popular advice is incredibly unhelpful for the situation and, in other circumstances, can even flip to the other side and become harmful. People took to the Internet to discuss this exact issue, sharing some of the common words of wisdom handed out that they think are [...]
50 Myths and Misconceptions People Still Believe to Be True
There are many things we learn as we grow up that just aren’t true. They aren’t necessarily taught in schools or laid out as blatant lies but little bits of misleading information we pick up on—misconceptions we all share. We're here today to debunk common beliefs that are misconceptions. What you do with this information is up to you, but it might be a good idea to pass this [...]
65 Comparison Photos That Will Make You Think About Time and the World We Live In
No matter how long, the passage of time is inevitable and can leave a lasting impression on people, places, and even inanimate things. This collection of images shows the same people, places, or things side by side after the passage of time, and a lot of it is pretty incredible when you can see what’s changed (and what hasn't). In a way, it gives us a new perspective on the [...]
57 Hidden Details in Animated Movies That We Never Noticed
Animated films and cartoons were a big part of our childhood. But while they are created for kids, that doesn't mean adults can't enjoy them! Animated movies and TV shows often include hidden details and clever references we don't understand as children, so re-watching our childhood favorites is fun and enlightening. We've created a list of surprising details and amusing easter [...]
50 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Favorite TV Shows
There's no denying that we have been blessed with many, many great television shows. But have you ever been watching an episode of something and thought to yourself, "Why is this character wearing something different than they were a second ago?" or, "I wonder where the writers got the idea for this episode?" If you answered yes, you have come to the right place. Join us as we [...]
42 Weird and Wonderful Things People Found When Walking Along the Beach
Sunbathing and swimming are not the only reasons to go to the beach. The oceans are full of treasures, sometimes washed to shore; many are natural gifts from this great unknown, and some are treasured items left behind by people. You never know what you might find at the beach. There's an unwritten rule that says if you find something interesting on the beach, you have to share [...]
48 Examples of the Mandela Effect People Believe to be True
Have you ever been certain that something was true only to discover that you were completely wrong? Even weirder, have you ever met someone who made the same mistake? If so, you’ve experienced what’s called the Mandela effect: when multiple people all share the same mistaken idea or memory. It’s always strange and a little unnerving to find out you share a false memory with a [...]
50 Things That Should No Longer Exist in 2024 But Somehow Still Have a Place in Society
We like to believe that progress is a straight line up, that we are a little better every year than before, but unfortunately, that's not always true. How else could you explain the fact that in this modern day and age, we’re still waiting hours on hold, being forced to buy so much of our food in single-use plastics, and wearing baggy jeans that we all thought went out of style [...]
48 Different “First” Photos Throughout the History of Photography
At this point in human history, some people might argue that we’ve seen everything. However, there always has to be a first time for everything. Today, we’re diving into cool and interesting “history firsts.” We’re talking about incredible firsts like the first underwater portrait and the first American spacewalk. These remarkable feats of human invention and [...]
55 Secret Features of Things We Use Everyday That We Only Learned Recently
The world is full of surprises and secrets. Even our most common household items have secret features and hidden talents that most of us don’t know about. Some of these secret features are hard to discover, while others are so common sense that it’s surprising they’re not common knowledge. People took to the Internet to share their favorite secret features of common [...]
48 Photographs of Iconic Historical Figures Who Surprisingly Had Their Photo Taken
Since our school days, we've grown accustomed to encountering awe-inspiring portraits of iconic historical figures such as George Washington, Helen Keller, and Isambard Kingdom Brunel, to name a few. It's pretty mind-boggling to consider that the birth of photography in the late 1820s opened up a whole new realm of human history. We're here today to delve into a selection of [...]
48 Photos That Remind Us How Big Some Animals Can Get
They say that size doesn't matter, but a scroll through this list of photos might change your mind. In the animal world, size certainly matters. We're not just talking about whales, crocodiles, and wild animals - but even domesticated dog breeds, grasshoppers, and moose are sometimes much larger than we'd like to think. Even after we hear the size of these animals, it's hard [...]
45 Things With Mysterious Purposes People Couldn’t Identify
Say whatever you will about the Internet, but it comes in handy from time to time. Whenever there's something we don't know (and let's face it, there's a lot we don't know), we turn to the Internet for help or advice. There's a forum on Reddit that has helped people figure out the meaning and purpose behind absolutely random items they've found on the street or in their houses. [...]
45 Historical Photos That Provide a Fresh Pesrpective on Life
We don't often take time in our everyday lives to think about how much the world and society have changed in the past few decades. But when you stop and think about it, things have changed tremendously in just a few decades. These vintage photos, captured well before the advent of mobile devices and online platforms, serve as a fascinating window into the past, revealing how [...]
50+ Interesting Photos of Things Shown from a Different Angle
The human brain is magnificent. You only need a few seconds to look at an image or an object, and your brain can construct the rest. We’re so used to making these assumptions that we don’t even notice when it happens. However, in some cases, our brain makes those assumptions only for us to take a second look and realize that it is something completely different. In such cases, [...]
40 Photos of Parents That Prove Baby Boomers Are So Much Cooler Than We Thought
When you look back at old photographs, there’s a lot to learn about your parents, and photo albums are treasures that capture moments from the past. Finding out these things about our parents can often be amusing, but sometimes they can entirely change how we see Mom and Dad. One thing’s for sure: the more we learn about our parents’ lives before we were born, the more [...]
Trivia Tuesday: 45 Trivia Bits That Are Ought to Make You Feel Smarter
There's not much you can do with trivia facts, but they may come in handy on your next pub quiz or trivia night with your friends or as a conversation catalyst around the dinner table. You might also learn something about yourself or the world we live in that you haven't considered before. Besides, it's nice to scroll through the internet and find information that is not bad [...]
45 Times People Were Thinking Outside the Box and Came Up With Clever DIY Inventions
We all run into annoying problems in our daily lives. Unlike math problems, though, these annoying little predicaments don’t always have a straightforward solution. Often, the ‘proper’ fix takes a lot of time or money; sometimes, it seems like it isn't even worth the effort. Not for these people, though! For some people, all it takes is a bit of outside-of-the-box thinking and [...]
38 Trivia Items That Will Help You Start the Week Off on the Right Foot
It's easy to feel down with all the negative news surrounding us these days. However, many good things are happening around us that don't always make the headlines! So, we've gathered wholesome facts people have shared online to help spread some cheer and positivity. That's the most we can do to help make someone's day a little brighter. If you found some of these facts [...]
45 Close Encounter Stories People Swear By That Make Us Believe There Is Something Out There
Who doesn't love gazing up at the night sky and fantasizing about what else is out there? It's a time-honored tradition, and for nearly just as long, humans have seen things that don't seem to belong. So, what exactly are these Unidentified Flying Objects? A jag of human imagination, an optical illusion, or possibly something more? Our universe is enormous, more extensive than [...]
47 Once-Popular Touristic Destinations That Have Been Lost to Time
Our world is a beautiful place, full of unique sites to see. Before planes and cars became a thing, traveling was very dangerous, but with increased accessibility, it has become far more commonplace to find all kinds of people from various places visiting somewhere distant from them. Although it's great, over-tourism has become an issue, and some places aren't around anymore. [...]
52 of the Most Iconic Hollywood Location Sets and How They Look Today
One photographer decided to take his love for movies and photography to the next level and has made it his mission to take photographs of famous location sets years after the movie or show hits the big screen. Paul Slattery has taken hundreds of “then and now” photos of dozens of locations and even created an entire website dedicated to his endeavor, where you can find the [...]
63 Bloopers in Friends That Have Somehow Gone Unnoticed By Most People
First airing in 1994 with over 30 million viewers, Friends became an iconic American sitcom. No matter how many times you’ve watched each season, you can find something different and rediscover the show's greatness every time you watch an episode. From coincidental messages that link to the acting crew to plot discrepancies throughout the show, we're here today to dive deep and [...]
U.S. States With the Best and Worst Weather Conditions
If you're an American, you likely endure a harsh winter filled with chapped lips, snow shoveling, nerve-wracking commutes, and layer upon layer of clothing. Let's be honest; only a handful of states are worth visiting during the colder months! We have created a list of places with the best to the worst winters so that you can finally have that long-awaited conversation with [...]
40 Questionable Financial Decisions People Have Made and Shared Online for Us to Learn From
Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? This bias has been observed by scientists, where people who don’t know much about a subject overestimate how much they know. In other words, people who know absolutely nothing often convince themselves they know everything. One area where people seem particularly susceptible to the Dunning-Kruger effect is finance. A lot of [...]
37 Surprising Statistics About the Different Generations
Are you tired of hearing stereotypes about different generations? Well, buckle up because we're about to blow your mind with surprising facts and statistics that will make you question everything you thought you knew about Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers - no generation is safe! Get ready to have your assumptions shattered and maybe even learn something new about [...]
50 Images Depicting How Americans Are Perceived By Europeans
There's no denying that the AI trend has captivated almost everyone, and people keep coming up with creative uses for the different AI platforms out there. One Internet user, Dave Stopera, used AI to delve into a long-debated subject across the web: how Americans from different states are seen across the world. He created satirical images depicting the stereotypical view of [...]
Fun and Imaginative Snow Sculptures That Put Us in a Winter Mood
Building a snowman is a beloved winter activity, one that isn't reserved strictly for kids! In this article, we dive into the enchanting world of snow sculptures, far beyond the realm of traditional snowmen. From whimsical snow animals and intricate icy castles to innovative snow creations that defy expectations, these people had to share their snowy creations online and prove [...]
These Happy Coincidences Make Us Believe in Fate
As we endure a lengthy recovery from various New Year’s escapades, many of us are in need of an injection of some good vibes to release some of that dopamine we might be lacking after those big nights. Have no fear; we’ve got you covered with this series of happy coincidences. Meet these real people finding long-lost loves, making miraculous discoveries, receiving help from [...]
Animal Snapchats That Are Beyond Adorable
Our pets are our best friends. We laugh at them, we cry with them, and most importantly, we laugh at them. We can't help it, they're just too funny. We can't communicate with animals, so most of the things they do seem strange to us. With every animal having their own distinct behaviors, it is inevitable that we find them doing things that range from the strange and to the [...]
A Different Reality: Ex-Participants Are Giving Us A Sneak Peak Into The Curious World of Reality TV Shows
The world of reality TV is home to some of the most outrageous happenings that ever take place on the screen. But have you ever stopped to wonder how much of what these shows actually adhere to is real? The answer to that question can vary greatly depending on who you ask. As the stories below will reveal, the results of being on a reality TV show can range from lackluster to [...]
People Share the Weird Things Their Partners Have Said and Done in Their Sleep
Sleepwalking is a behavior that science is still unable to fully explain, although many studies have been performed. Sleepwalking is most common among children, and while most kids outgrow it, the behavior persists for about 4% of American adults. Whether you’ve experienced someone sleepwalking or you do it yourself, you know that it can involve some really silly [...]
People Share Their Wildest Office Christmas Party Tales
Ah, Christmas...The lights on the trees, the snow all around, and the feeling of joy in the air…it’s truly magical! And the annual office Christmas party is a cherished time for all to unwind and reflect on the year. Of course, you can’t relax too much; it’s still a professional environment. Here are some of the real and craziest moments from office Christmas parties. #1: [...]
The Comics That Expose the Hidden Truths About Work From Home
To Work From Home or Not to Work From Home, that is the question! At the least, it's been a topic that has been hotly debated and argued for in the last few years. Many companies are insisting their workers return to the office, while many of the workers insist on staying home. While each and every one of us has our own opinions and preferences, this artist decided to draw some [...]