#28: Michelin Man on Tour
Meet Bibendum, a cheerful, rotund character who is better known to us as the Michelin Man. This endearing mascot, hailing from the esteemed French tire manufacturing giant Michelin, first charmed the public in 1898. The brainchild of the inventive French cartoonist Marius Rossillon, or O’Galop as he is fondly known, Bibendum has been delighting audiences and representing Michelin’s quality for over a century.

Imagine it’s 1926, before television’s dawn and billboards’ prevalence. Enterprising companies like Michelin took to the road, embarking on grand tours to showcase their wares. Their charismatic mascots, like the lovable Bibendum, were at the heart of these exciting expeditions. These mascots were the show’s stars, charming the socks off youngsters and making these tours a memorable spectacle for all.