Our pets are our best friends. We laugh at them, we cry with them, and most importantly, we laugh at them. We can’t help it, they’re just too funny. We can’t communicate with animals, so most of the things they do seem strange to us. With every animal having their own distinct behaviors, it is inevitable that we find them doing things that range from the strange and to the super adorable. Why are they barking or rolling on the floor? Why are they making this face? We’ll never be able to ask them these questions, so all we can do is take a photo and take our best guess. That’s what these people did, and they shared these moments on social media.

The IT Factor
On the back of a recent successful modeling gig, Doug knows he’s about to become a star; the IT dog. He just has the IT factor. His portrait looks clean and sharp, and he knows that he is about to become hot in demand. You can see it from the proud smirk he’s got on his face.

I mean, look at that photo. I’m sure you’d be proud of yourself if you had one as sharp as that. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, and this modeling gig was the first step for Doug. The picture would look good somewhere in the living room as a reminder of Doug’s humble beginnings.