#25: The Passion and Motivation Comes Later
This unending stream of motivation mantras can create a mirage that unless you’re brimming with passion, you’re not ready to start—which just isn’t true. Not everyone wakes up with a fire in their belly, ready to seize the day. And that’s okay. Life isn’t a sprint fueled by bouts of inspiration; it’s more of a marathon with patches of enthusiasm and long stretches of just putting one foot in front of the other.

Waiting for that ‘Aha!’ moment before taking action can leave many at a standstill. Instead, taking small, consistent steps can ignite motivation as you progress. It’s about momentum—action breeds inspiration, not always the reverse. So, start that project, tidy up that room, or take that class even if you’re not feeling a surge of passion. You might find your motivation along the way, hiding between the steps of the mundane.