#14: Japanese Sakura McFloat
Every spring, the Japanese landscape brightens with the sakura flower or cherry blossoms. The fruitless trees only flower for about one to two weeks out of the year, but Japan’s landscape looks heavenly when they do. Pink and white fill the country as the trees open up. McDonald’s decided to capitalize on these gorgeous trees and created a drink to compliment the blossoming time of year.
The Sakura (Cherry Blossom) McFloat is a delightful drink that is as tasty as it is captivating. This fizzy soda drink uses a cherry flavoring made from the Satonishiki cherry trees. Known as “the king of cherries,” the Sato Nishiki flavored syrup sinks to the bottom to give the drink a two-tone look (before you mix it, of course). It is topped with vanilla ice cream. Now that is a float you don’t want to miss out on.