#45: Fighting Words
It’s terrible when a customer is rude, but it’s worse when they’re racist. This guy’s revenge on a racist customer was swift and sweet. Back in the ’90s, Javier was working for Cox Communication. A man called in to get the pay-per-view Oscar de La Jolla fight set up on his TV. He had a whole party going on, with tons of people depending on him to put the fight on.
The request was easy enough, and Javier set up the broadcast. Then the guy asked for Javier’s name. He told him, and the guy responded with an awful racial slur. Javier had none of this guy’s b.s. so he immediately shut the fight off, refunded the money, and put vicious notes on the guy’s account. He found out later that this guy called multiple times to try and get the fight set up again, but none of the other client service people helped him. Solidarity!