#43: Christmas Scrooge
If you’ve worked retail, you can probably attest that people tend to be ruder around the holidays. But isn’t it supposed to be the season of good cheer? This storyteller shared her experience with a truly awful woman who came into her store on Christmas Eve. This lady wanted a sold-out item, and she started getting nasty. Our storyteller was pregnant, and this lady started hurling insults at her and her unborn child because the store didn’t have the item she wanted.
This item had been in stock for months, but it was totally NOT this lady’s fault for waiting last minute. (Yes, we’re rolling our eyes). The lady storms off but leaves her other last-minute Christmas shopping behind in the store. Instead of walking the items out to her, our pregnant storyteller took the items to the management office. The office would be closed to the public until after Christmas. Guess this Scrooge ruined her own Christmas with her rude behavior!