Who Needs Sleep?
Binge-watching isn’t something that Netflix invented, but it did make it awfully easy. When you discover a new show you like, you no longer have to wait a week or more for the next episode, or a matter of months for the next season. With Netflix, the whole show is dumped at your feet for you to watch us slowly or as quickly as you like. And let’s be real, if it’s a show you like, there’s a good chance you’re going to watch it quickly.
It just feels so impossible to turn off the show and go to bed when there are only three episodes left in the season, and if you keep watching you’re going to find out who the killer is and whether the main character will ever realize that her husband is in cahoots with the mob. How could anyone possibly sleep—or eat, or go grocery shopping, or shower—when the answers to all their burning questions are right there on Netflix if they just keep watching?