Everyone needs a hobby, and one photographer has made it his mission to take photographs of famous on-location sets years after the movie or show hit the big screen. Paul Slattery has taken hundreds of “then and now” photos of dozens of locations and was kind enough to create an entire website dedicated to his endeavor, where you can find the addresses of film sets and inspiration behind his project. Some of them you’ll recognize easily, as they haven’t changed much at all. Others have undergone a considerable transformation and are almost unrecognizable after so many years. Let’s learn about our all-time favorite movies and TV shows, including a bit of trivia along the way!
#1: “I must have one of those faces you can’t help believing”
Any Hitchcock fan will recognize this house on the hill from the 1960 version of Psycho. An iconic American film, many shows and movies have tried to recreate the suspense and success of this horror. With a relatively small budget of $800,000, it ended up grossing over $32 million in the US alone.
While some of the film was shot on location in various parts of Arizona, this house and many other iconic places were shot on the Universal Studios lot in California. It still stands today as a tribute to the American film genius that Psycho represents. You can see how many years have gone by, leaving it in disrepair and shrouded by trees.