Let’s be honest: what are we doing in life if not working towards figuring out small lifehacks to help us cut corners and make daily life easier? 2023 was a tough year all around, and we needed these life hacks more than ever! Even though we don’t necessarily condone most of these hacks, we can’t help but salute these people’s creativity. With the year coming to an end, we decided to round up some of the best (and most questionable) life hacks from across the web.
No More Dog Poop
People that don’t pick their dog’s poop are another breed of selfish. They get an extra point if they let their dogs do their business on someone else’s lawn. It’s simply impolite and inconsiderate, not to mention the potential harm to others. So it makes sense an annoyed home-owner out there would come up with a hack to keep puppies’ poos out of their lawn, and thankfully they shared with the internet:

Even though this seems smart, I think you would probably need to get creative eventually, since you can’t always have a ”Recently Treat with Toxic Pesticides” sign on your lawn. So if you do decide to try this one out, send us the new method you found to keep the ball rolling, and we will add it here.