All It Takes Is a Green Shirt
Military personnel is one of the bravest sectors of our society. In the U.S alone, 479,785 soldiers were recruited into the army in 2019. These courageous men and women face many trials and tribulations during their time in the army, and we’re thankful for the outstanding service they provide to our nation. But there are some people out there who are willing to take advantage of soldiers’ high morale for some free scores…

Impersonating a certain professional in order to get something for free or better treatment is the oldest trick in the book. People often pull off the lawyer, doctor, and teacher cards. But it requires a certain level of nerve and shamelessness to impersonate a military person. Not to mention you need to have a pretty strong back story in case someone tries to make conversation. If you decide to pull this off, make sure you at least know something about military life.