Goodbye Long Car Rides
Driving can be fun, but it can also be exhausting. We all love a cozy and fun road trip, but having to drive every day might become a waste of time and money. American drivers spend an average of more than 17,600 minutes behind the wheel each year, and it is estimated that U.S. households are now spending around $5000 a year on gasoline. So it is no surprise people would come up with ingenious ways to cut down on time and money invested in commuting.

Honestly, this can be seen as more of a lazy life hack rather than a questionable one. Yes, it is not the nicest thing you can do, but you’re prioritizing your time and money effectively. You just need to make sure that the person will never actually find out where you live, so make sure you don’t try this with friends and family because things can get pretty awkward.