There’s something mind-blowing about seeing people in photographs taken years apart, or living in a town and noticing how different your window view is season after season. Even our children and pets can surprise us when we notice how much they’ve changed (or even how much they haven’t) over the years. The passage of time, no matter how long, can leave a lasting impression both on people, places, and inanimate things. This collection of images shows the same people, places, or things side by side, and a lot of it is pretty incredible when you can see what’s changed. In a way, it gives you a new perspective on the concept of time.

Dorm Room Blues
Ah, college. What an amazing time, full of fun, work, and great strides toward becoming the adult you want to be. Freshman year is supposed to be a good time, right? Parties in the dorm, friends, new experiences. Set your expectations sky-high; you won’t be disappointed, right? Well, let’s see…

It doesn’t quite look like fun was had for the whole first year, but it does make for quite the side-by-side comparison! College is never easy, especially your freshman year, when you don’t know anyone, you want to succeed in school, and you also want to make friends. This student seems to have learned that the hard way. But hey, at least your photos are funny, right?