#6: Top Chef
Nobody’s perfect, but when you marry someone you love you’re accepting them for who they are. Flaws and all. This person shared a story about her best friend’s wedding that left a bad taste in her mouth. She was the maid of honor and saw the groom’s true colors when they were all signing paperwork with the officiant. The bride left the room to use the restroom, and that’s when the groom started talking trash.

Why he felt the need to talk trash about his now-wife’s cooking to the officiant is beyond us, but it’s not a good look. You just committed yourself to this person you supposedly love, and this is what you feel compelled to talk about? That’s a major red flag that the groom was very obviously hiding from her. According to this storyteller, they only lasted a few months before they divorced. Guess this guy’s lack of honesty and tendency to be two-faced eventually caught up to him.